StatCAT combines strong statistical expertise with a partnering consulting style that will be an asset to you and your company.

Call us for help with your statistical data questions

Analysis Results You Can Understand and Trust

In-depth Experience

Over 20 years of extensive experience in research analysis allows us to help clients with their data analytics issues in a fast and efficient way.

Satisfied Clients

We've worked with small to Fortune 500 companies, and they all appreciate our ability to communicate data in simple easy to understand language.

Actionable Insights

We provide more than tables and charts. We pride ourselves in finding insights and practical solutions within your data

Flexible Service

We help clients with everything from market resarch and survey analysis to concept testing and price evaluations.

Conduct the Right Analyses

  • Who is my target and how do I reach them?
  • What are the drivers of sales?
  • How does my brand compare versus my competitors?
  • What are the needs of my customers?
  • How do I measure performance?

What's Your Question?